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Moving Forward from the Pandemic


What did we learn about ourselves & how are we different as we pursue a new reality?

How has the world, reality, manifested differently than expected?

What do we dream the future to become to participate with a new world?Aquarian Age?

What are the needs of others moving forward?

Personal = Values must change; greater spiritual values; morality issues exposed; all communications amongst people; changing how we get information locally and around the world that supports individual growth & stability; Support groups needed for local, community needs; what’s needed to for future stability personal, and others?; Religious, social, authority and government changes; New question in life is “what’s needed for the success of others?”; counselors, consulting, therapy of all kinds expanding; astrology/Cosmo biology expansion;

HEALTH = nervous disorders; blood disorders; high acid in the body causing many conditions; throat compilations; fat deposits in the body caused by stress & weakness; not enough exercise or body care; abnormal levels of glucose; problems with vitamin B absorption; proper circulation of oxygen in the body;

CYCLES OF ASTROLOGY = those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

Uranus in Taurus = Stays seven (7) years in a sign; Eighty-four (84) year cycle; 1935 – 1942; 2018 – 2026;

Uranus = most spiritual, powerful energy in the solar system; liberation from the known (Saturn); sudden unexpected change;

Keywords: Uranus – “I Awaken” Taurus – “I have”

Positive Negative Positive Negative

Independence Radicalness Possessions Self-fish

Progressive Rebelliousness Values Possessive

Genius Eccentricity Money Miser

Universal Love Detachment Slow, steady Stubborn

Reformer Fanaticism Accumulating Materialistic

Intuition Over-impulsiveness Thrifty Greediness

Individualism Combativeness Persistent Indulgent

Pluto in Capricorn Jan. 2008 to March 2023; Last Cycle Jan. 1762 to Aug. 1778;

Pluto now comes together with natal Pluto in the birth chart of the United States; Feb. 21, 2022; Taking us back to the founding of the country and what must be exposed and brought into spiritual alignment;

Pluto Positive Expression Negative Expression

Consecration Desecration

Rebirth Death, Annihilation

Transformation Tribulation

Construction Destruction

Free Flowingness Intensity

Submission Submersion

Transmutation Instinctive Force

Wisdom Struggle

Illumination Obsession

Light Darkness

Heaven Hell

Willingness Willfulness

Grace Karma

Integration Disintegration

Pluto/Saturn = new cycle in Jan. 2020; Covid Pandemic; Transformation of Government & all its concerns; Authorities/People of Power/Kings/Politicians; Saturn rules all reality formed by consciousness, personal & public; deals with emerging nations and very deep cultural transformations, purgation’s and ‘resurrections.’

In Your Personal Life:

Positive: Reorganizing your priorities; setting more realistic goals; careful preparations for limiting suspicions of others; activities to curb or correct excesses or extreme practices;

Negative: Disappointment with prior preparations; taking back commitments made; a loss of control or intensity; setting more rigid procedures w/better controls; despair over secret work;

In Your Relationships:

Positive: Destroying habit patterns that hinder relationships; a sense of seriousness in your sexual desires; a need for mutual self-discipline within relationships; adding intensity & loyalty to commitment;

Negative: Loss of intensity or desire between partners; anguish in relating to partner, or vice versa; strong tendencies toward miserliness; or unwillingness to share equally within the relationship;

In Politics or Business:

Positive: Use of secret police or military agencies; restraints on destructive weapons; earth blocks sewage systems; upsets in existing checks and balances; turmoil in any rigid or older structure;

Negative: Keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny; secret preparations for future restrictions; hoarding resources for potential future disasters; lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction;

Saturn/Jupiter 1° Aquarius = Economic cycle every 20 years; 12 - 2020; 2001; 81; 61; 51; etc.


Saturn = Abbreviated comprehension understanding life’s situations; added constraints on time or resources available;

Disappointment from products not built to last; a lack of honesty in business negotiations; a scarcity of wisdom;

Jupiter = Need to apply principles of hard work and dedication toward goals set; generosity showed toward others; difficult assignment performed with ease; delays when producing publications; many obstacles;

Personal Life:

Positive: Setting realistic goals and plans for your time and energy; gaining realism about the advice offered; an idealist with your feet on the ground; adding to resources to increase future security;

Negative: Increase pessimism about your ability to cope with the future; feeling inadequate when comparing yourself to others; glossing over the real reasons for present or past failures; numerous failures with businesses;

Politics or Business:

Positive: The serious side of justice and the law: processes concerning checks and balances; changes in the governmental, religious, or social orders; and expansion within the rocks in the ground; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion;

Negative: Too many restrictions on the operation of justices; a judicial system at its breaking point; pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems;

1° Aquarius Sabian Meaning:

Recognizing that worldly institutions decay to the degree they lose their indwelling soul or purpose for existence;

Strengthening one’s country’s shared ideals by putting them into serviceable modern forms;

Adopting a life mission that fits one’s inner nature;

Withdrawing into the soul’s inner sanctum to find spiritual revitalization;

Judging people by their inner ideas rather than by superficial;

Fearless openness of mind and heart;

Shaping the future by studying and refashioning the past;

New reality based on timeless spiritual laws;

Venus/Mars 1° Aquarius = a two-year cycle; relates to relationships; Feminine/Masculine dance;


Venus = Deriving enjoyment from exercise or movement; charming others as a form of sexual arousal; immediate attractiveness; movement in art or music; the tranquility and inner peace which follows exertion;

Mars = Added immediacy for the fulfillment of pleasures; yielding to impulses to find enjoyment in recklessness or activities where speed and agility are emphasized along with elements of danger; a need to race, to win, to covet a prize;

In your Relationships:

Positive = the heat and passion of the moment buried in the pleasure of your activity; the innocent compliment meets the assertive argument; an appreciation of your partner’s charms after physical activity or efforts;

Negative = a noisy argument about your partner’s devotions; aggravated dormant jealousies; compelling forces which push to the breaking point; sexual gratifications tied to battles or arguments;

1° Aquarius Sabian Meaning:

Recognizing that worldly institutions decay to the degree they lose their indwelling soul or purpose for existence;

Strengthening one’s country’s shared ideals by putting them into serviceable modern forms;

Adopting a life mission that fits one’s inner nature;

Withdrawing into the soul’s inner sanctum to find spiritual revitalization;

Judging people by their inner ideas rather than by superficial;

Fearless openness of mind and heart;

Shaping the future by studying and refashioning the past;

New reality based on timeless spiritual laws;

Neptune/Jupiter Pisces = a thirteen year cycle; 1919; 1932; 1945; 1958; 1971; 1984; 1997; 2009; 2022?


Jupiter = studies to understand religious or mystical beliefs or events; a need to study and expound on theories of the occult or unknown; added need to remain positive about life; prefers feigned or staged performances;

Neptune = seeing events with a religious or spiritual perspective; promoting inner ideas with theories that are strange or unclear; efforts to show others that there is a spiritual side to life, and life beyond physical or earthly reality;

24° Pisces Sabian Meaning:

Isolated pursuit of truth; having to figure things out for oneself;

Establishing a beachhead (defending position on the beach from enemy attack) is some field of human knowledge;

Intellectual resourcefulness; Building on the solid foundation of what one knows from personal experience & experiment;

Intellectual isolation vs. creating common ground for communication;

Bringing civility to some cultural backwater (where water is stagnant);

Trying to forge a link between one’s private world and the larger universe; macrocosm vs. microcosm;

Reevaluating one’s place in the world; Scientific thought, especially in physics and astronomy;

Reexamining basic assumptions and basic terms; Disillusioning clarifications;

Personal life:

Positive = Sympathy for people at disadvantage; honest preferences for understanding people from intuitive view;

Negative = urge to make excuses for failures or the incompletion of obligations due to occult happenings; excessive idealism when the reality is needed; errors in hiding that which requires comprehensive analysis;

In Relationships:

Positive = Feelings of mystical oneness in a relationship; good feelings at an intuitive level between partners; overlooking faults within others; the role of forgiveness;

Negative = Spending too much time making vague excuses for actions that anger partner or self; a lot of confusion about the current state of affairs in the relationship; a failure to understand partners visions or values;

In Politics or Business:

Positive = Expansion and elaboration of ideals or dreams; policies of expansion and growth; ideals mirrored in a religious context; churches espousing a moral philosophy for all; foolish or unfounded legal situations;

Negative = Scandals about growth, values, or belief systems; hypocrisy growing as a form of internal policy; a legal system where ethics and morals are based upon favors and payoffs; degradation in systems of justice;

Each of these cycles has eight phases. The beginning of a cycle sets the seeds for the rest of the cycle. Phases have challenges to be overcome and represent positive growth and healing within each phase.

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