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Scorpio New Moon Outline

The Scorpio New Moon = Keyword: “I create.” The mystery sign of the zodiac. Scorpio is the sign where we decide how to use our will & power.

They must learn to use their power and psychic abilities to become aware of their High Self so they can transform all physical and material ego connections as they turn over their power and will to a higher calling…serving others with no regard for self-interest.

This is where we refine our relationships with those in the world but more importantly our relationship to Spirit, and our Divine Self. Our physical relationships teach us about our desires and our lower nature.

Scorpios are very resourceful with a tremendous will and focus. Scorpio’s tongue can be deadly if used vindictively. Difficulties with co-workers and employees because of a supercritical nature and tendency to pass judgment.

They have a secretive nature until they trust their High Self completely and become transparent to allow others to know their motivations

Scorpio uses power to hide and disguise their intentions with their greatest fear being that of weakness.

Spirit has no secrets.

This is the consummate sign of psychology, whereby all memories that emotionally impact their lives are digested, released, and no longer impacts their life.

Scorpio is represented by the Angel of Death & Rebirth that teaches the lesson of REPLACING the LESSER with the GREATER. ANGEL is the force of METAMORPHOSIS….function is to dissolve ERROR PATTERNS & FALSE BELIEFS of the EGO & condition our consciousness w/the final infusion of the GOD-SELF energy.

Pluto (transformation of the soul) is the planetary ruler of Scorpio being represented by the Angel of the Creative Word. This Angel removes the blocks of false beliefs and error patterns and lifts us above the appearances of our mis-creations where the spoken word can be used to correct the condition. What are your intentions?


Scorpio = Attachment, emotional, determined, healer. Negative: Distrustful, excessive, jealous, suspicious;

Pluto = Intense, force, sex, transformation, power. Negative: Destructive, obsessive, suspicious, crime;

8th House = Occult experiences, spiritual affairs, financial, legacies, taxes, creative energy, sexual activity;

Scorpio Archetype

SCORPIO = 1st Sign of recognition to SPIRITUALIZE

CANCER/MOON collects the emotional waters (memories) of lives = SCORPIO/PLUTO = Hidden, Stagnant marsh waters (emotional memories of personality) which must be cleansed by PISCES/NEPTUNE = the free-flowing waters of purity and life.”

Where the battle is fought between the PERSONALITY & SOUL = Personality must DIE!

Only sign with (3) three Symbols given Scorpio that are indicative of the tests that embrace the (3) threefold personality:

Mental, Emotional, Physical

Scorpio is not easily known for MUCH LIES HIDDEN BENEATH the SURFACE

Tremendous Pride w/o Showing Emotions on the Surface

Great Strength & Power when Raised Above Personality Reactions.

Truly Powerful when they don’t seek power for themselves but use to HEAL & BLESS OTHERS;

Sorrow through Relationships until REDEEMED/TRANSFORM their natures;

Great stubbornness makes for difficulties in partnerships. Relationships call for equality and responsibility Scorpios would rather avoid.

Rather be a lone wolf.

Scorpio FEARS = LOSS of CONTROL; Commitment; Entrapment;

Limited by Commitment by Implications (must consider others)


The ghostliness of Halloween is fun & amusing BUT

Psychic Powers are not to be lightly tampered with;

a. Long Hard Journey w/Pitfalls

b. Water (emotions) covered bogs & quicksand


SEX SIGN w/Strong Passions that need to be REGENERATED to Higher use of the Energy;

Orgasm connecting to GOD;

1. TEACHES = Co-Creator with GOD at Physical Level

2. KARMA” exchanged w/OTHERS through SEXUAL FLUIDS;

3. SEX as Evolutionary Process

a. Pro-creational

b. Expand Consciousness i.e. Tantra, Devotion to GOD,

c. Celibacy = right for 2% of population

FIXED SIGNS = Selfless devotion is a quality of all the fixed signs, & before it, the

Relinquishment of the little self becomes nothing

Truly powerful when they do not seek power for themselves, but seek to be,

Used by the power to heal and bless others.

Angel of Death & Rebirth

The lesson of REPLACING the LESSER with the GREATER

“Real meaning of DEATH….the gateway to a larger life in reality”

ANGEL is the force of METAMORPHOSIS….function is to dissolve ERROR PATTERNS & FALSE BELIEFS of the EGO & condition our consciousness w/the final infusion of the GOD-SELF energy.

If this energy is blocked because of fear of the ego’s “death” and the diminishing of the personality, or through the identification of the physical body as the “Self” we become resistant to CHANGE and we block the divine spontaneity of life.

Negative ego projections can result in constant monitoring of the PHYSICAL BODY to see what’s wrong, leading to disorder in the system by negative self-talk;

Animal nature represents the accumulation of all unconquered personality defects from all our many incarnations in physical form.

“We rise by kneeling” = humility is the key; pride & anger replaced w/PATIENCE & FORGIVENESS;

“We conquer by surrendering” = we gain our perfection “by giving up” our defects;

The only true death is physical birth & only true birth is the realization & freeing of the SPIRITUAL SELF;


This is a fading out of one consciousness and a fading in of another & for a BRIEF INTERVAL the feeling of the presence leaves us…causing us to cry out, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” BUT when full understanding takes place “I and the Father are one” becomes the realization.

Stop identifying ourselves as part of physical form, BREAK THE EMOTIONAL BOND to outer effects, dispel the mental illusion of seeing something “out there” that does not exist;

We are removing the layers of personality patterns that have surrounded our imprisoned splendor

Bring About Mystical Death & Rebirth:

1. Place our faith in invisible SPIRITUAL WORLD; cease giving power to the material plane of effects;

2. Sever emotional attractions causing bondage; give up everything to Spirit God within;

3. Release the sum total of ego energies to the Holy Self within;

4. Develop our power of intuition through meditation to be greater than our misperceptions;

To live here in JOY, PEACE & FREEDOM does not mean giving up things of this world; it means withdrawing your reliance & dependence on those things;

We only die to lack, limitation, unfulfillment, futility, conflict, despair, fear, and guilt.

The Angel of the Creative Word

The ANGEL deals with those things “KEPT SECRET” = “That which you have repressed, the personality characteristics that you have placed underground, some fester and grow, others weaken and wither.

In the depths of the subconscious are the unconquered defects, the qualities that one cannot accept, and the residue of fear and guilt that has been accumulated.

Pluto is charged with = using symbols, sounds, forms, solemn experiences, and demanding tests to help one ascend to the LIVING WORD & to REALIZE the ETERNAL NOW.

Pluto Energy = connotes drastic upheavals & transformation, permanent changes, the acceleration of time. VIBRATORY POWER to both DESTROY & CREATE FORM;

The Bible = “By your words, you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned” (Matt. 12;37) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18;21) “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shalt be established unto thee” (Job 22;28)“The spoken word carries vibrations through the universal ether, and also moves the intelligence inherent in every form, animate & inanimate.” “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God”- John 1

Every word, differentiated or synthesized, affects the DEVA KINGDOM—hence the form-building aspects of manifestation. No sound is ever made without producing a corresponding response in DEVA SUBSTANCE;

VALUE of SPEECH = “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it needful?”

Walking around with a LOADED GUN between our TEETH!

JUDGMENT & the CREATIVE WORD = Judgment means “the power of comparing, deciding and decreeing.”

Pluto energy:

1. Clears blockages between the LOWER CHAKRAS and the THROAT CENTER so the power can be CONCENTRATED and USED CONSCIOUSLY with PURPOSE OF MIND;

2. Pluto energy = removes the blocks of false beliefs and error patterns and lifts us above the appearances of our miscreations where the spoken word can be used to correct the condition.

3. To work properly = Honest about what you really want in life. WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?

Medicine Wheel Animal Totems

Scorpio = Snake = Mystery, adaptability, the feminine, transformation, healing, life force, sensitivity, sensuality, psychic

Keynote: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, and wisdom

Sinuous & fast & very dry. Attacks quickly: rises up and strikes quickly, hard and true to its mark.

Teach: You can respond the same way if need be. SLOW to lose temper, but once lost their bite is quick, sharp, direct and almost always HIT their MARK i.e. can swallow you whole or poison you.

Teach: Expect death & re-birth to Occur in some part of LIFE. Rarely reflects Actual Death but TRANSITION.

Examine: Needing changes but aren’t for some reason? Trying to force change too quickly? Not striking & should? Need to use Venom for defense? New opportunities you need to strike out for?

Snake shows up in life it reflects your CREATIVE FORCES AWAKENING i.e. Kundalini energy.

Physiologically it can activate SEXUAL DRIVE bringing more Energy. Spiritually, it can stimulate greater Perception and how to Apply your INSIGHT & INTUITION as they will be more ACCURATE.

Associated HYPNOTIC Qualities because of STARE (no eyelids)

Teach: To use your eyes to look Into HEARTS & SOULS of others; Look into your own HEART & SOUL.

Keen SENSE of SMELL; Smell w/Tongue (Jacobs Organ) Tastes Air & Odor around them to locate Food;


Teach: Extreme Sensitive to Smells & Fragrances. Aromatherapy = form of HEALING. Do things Smell Right around you? Be very DISCRIMINATIING…what you say…to whom with what you are involved in;

Snakes Shed their Skin. Symbolizes: DEATH & REBIRTH; Outgrows the Old;

Cycle Death/Rebirth = Image of SNAKE swallowing TAIL = SYMBOL of ETERNITY

When Snake sheds Skin Eyes Cloud Over = Trance like Appearance.

Symbol: to Mystics & Shamans = ABILITY to MOVE between REALMS: living/dead/back to life again

Shedding progresses EYES CLEAR to SEE NEW WORLD

Wisdom & New KNOWLEDGE Leads to DEATH/RE-BIRTH = Individual to see the World from NEW PERSPECTIVE

Ties to ANCIENT ALCHEMISTS: Transmutation of LEAD into GOLD = association of HIGHER WISDOM that comes w/Passing of Time

Pluto as ruler of Scorpio = Mouse = Introspection, perception, innocence, observation, trust, resting, acceptance, content, satisfaction

Keynote: Attention to detail

Sees well in Dark (Psychic), male & female work Together, Fastidious/ Clean & Groom Fur BUT! Sloppy housekeeper

TEACH: Fastidious/attention detail in areas; Sloppy in other areas TEACH: Too many Details – Forget big picture, can’t see the forest for Trees

Mice Store Food; All predators feed on mice. Compensate with 3-4 litters a year. Care for 4-5 weeks.



Lost in big dreams?

Neglecting other aspects of life?

Missing what’s right in front of you?

Missing the obvious?

Scattering energy?

TEACH: How to focus; Pay attention to detail; Pay attention to big things by working on little things

Because of its small size and limited territory, the mouse has few defenses against any who would attack.

The mouse must trust its own knowledge and routine to keep it safe from danger. Its tiny borders can also keep it innocent about much of what happens in the outside world. Native people, who often spent time enjoying the small miracles of nature, had a keen appreciation for the wonders within the limited view of mouse.

TEACH: Mouse can teach you to appreciate the obvious and to enjoy the wonders of everyday life. To see your faults truthfully as well as your gifts. Shows you how your corner of the universe is special and demonstrates that size has no bearing on the beauty of life.

Through working with the mouse you can learn to look within, to have acceptance and satisfaction, to see the small picture clearly, to rest and relax, to regain your innocence, and to trust that life is unfolding as it should. From such observation can come the awareness that will lead to true inner growth.


New Moon is about learning and applying these qualities for this 30-day cycle

Scorpio New Moon 13° November 4th Degree Significance: Independent thought; supplying correctives to public discussions, often through mass media. Extreme or vulgar opinions and behavior, but may end suffering for it. Jolting people out of their complacency vs. amping down high-voltage ideas to make them palatable; Assembling overlooked facts into new perspectives; Uncompromising commitment to one’s vision. Using charm, charisma, and wit to promote one’s ideas or creations.

Taurus Full Moon 28° November 19 Degree Significance: Mature understanding of what can and can’t be changed; Using earthly savvy and determination to prevail over obstacles or handicaps; realistic approach to love; Going after what one wants; Leaving defeat behind and making a new start; Fighting for human rights, including women’s rights; Spiritual and physical fatigue vs. rising to the occasion;

Important ENERGY PATTERNS (Planetary Pairs) New Moon in Cancer

New Moon squares (challenge) Saturn = Expect delays and challenges to goals and projects. Be open to the ideas of others.

New Moon opposes (need balance) Uranus = Sudden unexpected changes will occur. Look to balance opposing viewpoints to come to greater success.

Uranus squares (challenge) Saturn = The need is to let go of the status quo to move forward with greater ideas.

Saturn squares (challenge) Mars = One foot on the gas while the other foot is on the brake. Be clear about your objectives.

Pluto squares (challenge) Mercury = Hidden agendas come out. Problems around the way in which they come out. Anger and resentments push to the surface. Could be a lot of power and control issues trying to force one's opinions and ideas.

Mars conjunct (energized energy) Mercury = Communications have the God of War behind them. Be patient with others.


Disseminating Phase = 18.5-22.1; 47.11-51.7; 77.5-81.3; Keys= Demonstration; Sharing; Reciprocating; Morality; Inner-strength; Communicating; Crusader; Organizer; Working to fit in;

At Disseminating Phase we must try to find a middle ground between partisan groups without taking sides; We must demonstrate right human relationships. Here we become devoted to a perceived ideal or vision or become devoted to someone else’s. This is where we become involved with opposites with the Spiritual task of finding order & harmony in all differences. We are learning to respect the rights of others. The issue at Disseminating is learning to give and receive. The universe contains in its separate parts all information and knowledge. Living in a disseminating environment triggers a constant need to share our experiences as compared to others. Power struggles of one reality vs. another ultimately teach us through indirect experience, knowledge without being involved. At this phase, we are in the Spiritual Body on the Feminine side. We use feeling & movement to process information expressed and received. Mass evaluation takes place regarding our concepts and philosophies where judgment on the validity of our actions and beliefs takes place to determine support for our ideas. At this point in the cycle, we are letting go of intellect and begin using feelings & movement which are stimulated by “hearing & sound.” We learn to make adjustments in personal opinions so we can fit them in with the goals of society.

HEALING for Full Phase

The Female Spiritual Body is healed by meditating on resolving dualities. Nature activities; Learning to identify synchronicities of life; Working in unison with the universe and the needs of humanity;


The ANGEL of the Creative Word suggested INVOCATION with GREAT INTENTION & POWER:

“I forgive the past and close the door.

I forgive all and resentment is dissolved.

I forgive myself and I am at peace.

I accept myself and I am free.

Let the Fire of the Holy Presence maintain the purity of the lesser light.

Let the lower nature be sustained in its redemption.”

“As I look within and contemplate the magnificent Presence IAM, I understand that the only death that I shall ever experience is the giving up of the old to receive the new. I am ready to do that now. I am willing to take the final step.

I am no longer afraid to give up my human hood and accept my Christhood because I know that as I move through the fog toward the Bridge of Light, You are my shield and protector. If I walk through fire, I will not be burned. If there are waters, they shall not overflow me. If enemies should encamp against me, they shall not find me, for I will be hidden in You.

I now walk the path to the Bridge. There is darkness, but I am not afraid. My miscreations seem to be beckoning to me, but my eye is single. And now I see the Light piercing the night and the faint outline of the Bridge is visible. I walk steadily toward the Light.

As I step upon the Bridge, I see You, my divine reality, and with each step, we move closer to each other. We stop at the middle point, and I see You in all your glory, a pure Light Body of God embodying the fullness of universal being.

I now take the final step. Slowly we begin to merge…and I feel the Light and the Love and the Life. The divine infusion is taking place. I am being Christed. I am filled with Presence.

It has happened. The sense of separation is no more. The duality of I and You is now only I, the One. I AM that ONE.

I rest now in the One I AM.”

The Angel of Death and Rebirth

As I look within and contemplate the magnificent Presence I AM, I understand that the only death that I shall ever experience is the giving up of the old to receive the new. I am ready to do that now. I am willing to take the final step.

I am no longer afraid to give up my human hood and accept my Christhood because I know that as I move through the fog toward the Bridge of Light, You are my shield and protector. If I walk through the fire, I will not be burned. If there are waters, they shall not overflow me. If enemies should encamp against me, they shall not find me, for I will be hidden in You.

I now walk the path to the Bridge. There is darkness, but I am not afraid. My miscreations seem to be beckoning to me, but my eye is single. And now I see the Light piercing the night and the faint outline of the Bridge is visible. I walk steadily toward the Light.

As I step upon the Bridge, I see You, my divine Reality, and with each step, we move closer to each other. We stop at the middle point, and I see You in all your glory, a pure Light Body of God embodying the fullness of universal being.

I now take a final step. Slowly we begin to merge…and I feel the Light and the Love and the Life. The divine infusion is taking place. I am being Christed. I am filled with Presence.

It has happened. The sense of separation is no more. The duality of I and You is now, I, the One. I AM that One.

I rest now in the One I AM.

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